*Undergraduate student
**Hazel and Gray (co-authorship with my children) Bold text: authors from the Devo Eco Lab (PDF use disclaimer at bottom of page) |
"I am interested in other things. I have a good life but I must write because if I do not write a certain amount I do not enjoy the rest of my life." - Ernest Hemingway
Issue Covers
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
Wayne SM, Norris MC, Fargevielle A, Cobb K, Scruggs CD, Miracle J, Herron V, Hall JM, Warner DA. Accepted. Reduced water availability to mothers and embryos has little effect on offspring phenotypes in an invasive lizard. Journal of Experimental Zoology
Norris M, Hall JM, Warner Da. 2024. Developmental reaction norms vary among families of lizards in response to multivariate nest environments. Oikos. e10911 (pdf)
Hall JM, Thawley CJ, Stroud JT. 2024. Life history strategies are decoupled from ecomorphological convergence in two Anolis lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 143(2), blae088. (pdf)
Hall JM, Tiatragul S, *Turner M, Warner DA. 2024. Within the optimal thermal range, temperature fluctuations with similar means have little effect on offspring phenotypes: A comparison of two approaches that simulate natural nest conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology. 125, 103949 (pdf)
Ma L, Wu DY, Wang Y, Hall JM, Mi CR, Xie HZ, Tao WJ, Hou C, Cheng KM, Zhang YP, Wang JC, Lu HL, Du WG, Sun B. 2024. Collective effects of rising average temperatures and heat events on oviparous embryos. Conservation Biology . 38 (4), e14266 (pdf)
Thulander JM, Hall JM. 2023. Transient Albinism in the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) with a Review of Color Abnormalities in Ambystoma. Reptiles and Amphibians. 30: e20584 (pdf)
Pruett JE, Hall JM, Tiatragul S, Warner DA. 2022. Nesting in Anolis lizards: An understudied topic in a well-studied clade. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10, 821115 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2022. Rains from successive hurricanes reduce nesting success of the Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma opacum). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17 (1), 180-195 www.herpconbio.org/Volume_17/Issue_1/Hall_2022.pdf
Hall JM, *Miracle J, *Scruggs C, Warner, DA. 2022. Natural nest substrates influence squamate embryo physiology but have little effect on hatchling phenotypes. Integrative Zoology. 17, 550-566. (pdf)
Mitchell TS, Folt B, Hall JM. 2021. Dumpsters and other anthropogenic structures as habitat for invasive African rock agama lizards in Florida. Biological Invasions. 23, 2689-2693. (pdf)
Warner DA, Hall JM, Fargevieille A, Hulbert AC, Tiatragul S, Pruett JE, Mitchell TS. 2021. Dependence on a human structure influences the extinction of a non-native lizard population after a major environmental change. Biological Invasions. 23(3), 825-842. (pdf)
Taylor EN, Diele-Viegas LM, Gangloff EJ, Hall JM, Halpern B, Massey MD, Rödder D, Rollinson N, Spears S, Sun B, Telemeco RS. 2021. The Thermal Ecology and Physiology of Reptiles and Amphibians: A User’s Guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 335(1), 13-44. (pdf)
Hall JM, Sun B. 2021. Heat tolerance of reptile embryos: current knowledge, future directions, and methodological considerations. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 335(1), 45-58. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2021. Thermal sensitivity of lizard embryos indicates a mismatch between oxygen supply and demand at near-lethal temperatures. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 335(1), 72-85. (pdf)
Wayne SM, Norris MC, Fargevielle A, Cobb K, Scruggs CD, Miracle J, Herron V, Hall JM, Warner DA. Accepted. Reduced water availability to mothers and embryos has little effect on offspring phenotypes in an invasive lizard. Journal of Experimental Zoology
Norris M, Hall JM, Warner Da. 2024. Developmental reaction norms vary among families of lizards in response to multivariate nest environments. Oikos. e10911 (pdf)
Hall JM, Thawley CJ, Stroud JT. 2024. Life history strategies are decoupled from ecomorphological convergence in two Anolis lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 143(2), blae088. (pdf)
Hall JM, Tiatragul S, *Turner M, Warner DA. 2024. Within the optimal thermal range, temperature fluctuations with similar means have little effect on offspring phenotypes: A comparison of two approaches that simulate natural nest conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology. 125, 103949 (pdf)
Ma L, Wu DY, Wang Y, Hall JM, Mi CR, Xie HZ, Tao WJ, Hou C, Cheng KM, Zhang YP, Wang JC, Lu HL, Du WG, Sun B. 2024. Collective effects of rising average temperatures and heat events on oviparous embryos. Conservation Biology . 38 (4), e14266 (pdf)
Thulander JM, Hall JM. 2023. Transient Albinism in the Streamside Salamander (Ambystoma barbouri) with a Review of Color Abnormalities in Ambystoma. Reptiles and Amphibians. 30: e20584 (pdf)
Pruett JE, Hall JM, Tiatragul S, Warner DA. 2022. Nesting in Anolis lizards: An understudied topic in a well-studied clade. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 10, 821115 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2022. Rains from successive hurricanes reduce nesting success of the Marbled Salamander (Ambystoma opacum). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17 (1), 180-195 www.herpconbio.org/Volume_17/Issue_1/Hall_2022.pdf
Hall JM, *Miracle J, *Scruggs C, Warner, DA. 2022. Natural nest substrates influence squamate embryo physiology but have little effect on hatchling phenotypes. Integrative Zoology. 17, 550-566. (pdf)
Mitchell TS, Folt B, Hall JM. 2021. Dumpsters and other anthropogenic structures as habitat for invasive African rock agama lizards in Florida. Biological Invasions. 23, 2689-2693. (pdf)
Warner DA, Hall JM, Fargevieille A, Hulbert AC, Tiatragul S, Pruett JE, Mitchell TS. 2021. Dependence on a human structure influences the extinction of a non-native lizard population after a major environmental change. Biological Invasions. 23(3), 825-842. (pdf)
Taylor EN, Diele-Viegas LM, Gangloff EJ, Hall JM, Halpern B, Massey MD, Rödder D, Rollinson N, Spears S, Sun B, Telemeco RS. 2021. The Thermal Ecology and Physiology of Reptiles and Amphibians: A User’s Guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 335(1), 13-44. (pdf)
Hall JM, Sun B. 2021. Heat tolerance of reptile embryos: current knowledge, future directions, and methodological considerations. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 335(1), 45-58. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2021. Thermal sensitivity of lizard embryos indicates a mismatch between oxygen supply and demand at near-lethal temperatures. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 335(1), 72-85. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2020. Ecologically relevant thermal fluctuations enhance offspring fitness: biological and methodological implications for studies of thermal developmental plasticity. Journal of Experimental Biology. 223(19), jeb231902. (pdf)
Featured article: "Inside JEB": https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.235473 Editors' Choice: November 2020 Short-list (1 of 12) for JEB Most Outstanding Paper of 2020: https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.242266 |
*Dees A, *Wilson K, *Reali C, Pruett JE, Hall JM, Brandt R, Warner DA. 2020. Communal egg-laying behaviour and the consequences of egg-aggregation in the brown anole (Anolis sagrei). Ethology. 126(7), 751-760.(pdf)
*Hulbert AC, Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Warner DA. 2020. Use of human-made structures, not thermal adaptation facilitates survival of a non-native ectotherm. Biological Invasions. 22(6), 2017-2031. (pdf)
Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Thawley CJ, Stroud JT, Warner DA. 2020. Adaptive seasonal shift towards investment in fewer, larger offspring: Evidence from field and laboratory studies. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89(5), 1242-1253. (pdf)
Tiatragul S, Hall JM, Warner DA. 2020. Nestled in the city heat: urban nesting behavior facilitates embryo development of an invasive lizard. Journal of Urban Ecology. 6(1), 1-11. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2019. Thermal tolerance in the urban heat island: Thermal sensitivity varies ontogenetically and differs between embryos of two sympatric ectotherms. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222(19), jeb210708. (pdf)
Tiatragul S, Hall JM, *Pavlik NP, Warner DA. 2019. Lizard nest environments differ between suburban and forest habitats. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 126(3), 392-403. (pdf)
*Hulbert AC, Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Warner DA. 2020. Use of human-made structures, not thermal adaptation facilitates survival of a non-native ectotherm. Biological Invasions. 22(6), 2017-2031. (pdf)
Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Thawley CJ, Stroud JT, Warner DA. 2020. Adaptive seasonal shift towards investment in fewer, larger offspring: Evidence from field and laboratory studies. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89(5), 1242-1253. (pdf)
Tiatragul S, Hall JM, Warner DA. 2020. Nestled in the city heat: urban nesting behavior facilitates embryo development of an invasive lizard. Journal of Urban Ecology. 6(1), 1-11. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2019. Thermal tolerance in the urban heat island: Thermal sensitivity varies ontogenetically and differs between embryos of two sympatric ectotherms. Journal of Experimental Biology. 222(19), jeb210708. (pdf)
Tiatragul S, Hall JM, *Pavlik NP, Warner DA. 2019. Lizard nest environments differ between suburban and forest habitats. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 126(3), 392-403. (pdf)
Hall JM, *Buckelew BS, Lovern M, Secor S, Warner DA. 2018. Seasonal shifts in reproduction depend on prey availability for an income breeder. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 91(6), 1129-1147. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2018. Thermal spikes from the urban heat island increase mortality and alter physiology of lizard embryos. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221(14), jeb181552. (pdf)
Mitchell TS, Hall JM, Warner DA. 2018. Female investment in offspring size and number shifts seasonally in a lizard with single-egg clutches. Evolutionary Ecology, 32 (2-3), 231-245. (pdf)
Hall JM, *Buckelew BS, Lovern M, Secor S, Warner DA. 2018. Seasonal shifts in reproduction depend on prey availability for an income breeder. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 91(6), 1129-1147. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2018. Thermal spikes from the urban heat island increase mortality and alter physiology of lizard embryos. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221(14), jeb181552. (pdf)
Mitchell TS, Hall JM, Warner DA. 2018. Female investment in offspring size and number shifts seasonally in a lizard with single-egg clutches. Evolutionary Ecology, 32 (2-3), 231-245. (pdf)
*Hulbert AC, Mitchell TS, Hall JM, *Guiffre CM, *Douglas DC, Warner DA. 2017. The effects of incubation temperature and experimental design on heart rates of lizard embryos. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 327(7), 466-476. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2017. Body size and reproduction of a non-native lizard are enhanced in an urban environment. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122(4), 860-871. (pdf)
Hall JM ,Warner DA. 2017. Winter Microhabitat Selection and Growth of Jacky Dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus). Copeia, 105(4), 618-625. (pdf)
*Hulbert AC, Mitchell TS, Hall JM, *Guiffre CM, *Douglas DC, Warner DA. 2017. The effects of incubation temperature and experimental design on heart rates of lizard embryos. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 327(7), 466-476. (pdf)
Hall JM, Warner DA. 2017. Body size and reproduction of a non-native lizard are enhanced in an urban environment. The Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 122(4), 860-871. (pdf)
Hall JM ,Warner DA. 2017. Winter Microhabitat Selection and Growth of Jacky Dragons (Amphibolurus muricatus). Copeia, 105(4), 618-625. (pdf)
Newsletters, Book Reviews, Popular Literature
Hall JM. 2021. Temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles. Herpetoculture Magazine. 17, pp. 25-32. (pdf)
Hall JM. 2020. Book review: Lizards and snakes of Alabama. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology. 3, pp. 43-46 (pdf)
Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Warner DA. 2019. The brown anole (Anolis sagrei) as a model for studying life-history adaptation to seasonality. Anolis Newsletter VII, pp 101-107 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2021. Temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles. Herpetoculture Magazine. 17, pp. 25-32. (pdf)
Hall JM. 2020. Book review: Lizards and snakes of Alabama. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology. 3, pp. 43-46 (pdf)
Hall JM, Mitchell TS, Warner DA. 2019. The brown anole (Anolis sagrei) as a model for studying life-history adaptation to seasonality. Anolis Newsletter VII, pp 101-107 (pdf)
Natural History Notes/ Distribution Records
Hall JM, Hall HK, Hall GB. 2022. Sternotherus odoratus (Eastern Musk Turtle). Geographic distribution: New record for Putnam County, TN. Herpetological Review, 53(1), pp 77.
Hall JM, Glorioso BM, Doody JS. 2021. Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Atypical nest sites. Herpetological Review 52(3), pp. 595-596 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2020. Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Coloration. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology, 3, pp. 37 (pdf)
*Hulbert A, Hall JM. 2017. Virginia valeriae elegans (Western Smooth Earthsnake). Geographic distribution: New record for Henderson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 48(1), pp. 132. (pdf)
Hall JM, Hall HK, Hall GB. 2022. Sternotherus odoratus (Eastern Musk Turtle). Geographic distribution: New record for Putnam County, TN. Herpetological Review, 53(1), pp 77.
Hall JM, Glorioso BM, Doody JS. 2021. Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Atypical nest sites. Herpetological Review 52(3), pp. 595-596 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2020. Ambystoma opacum (Marbled Salamander). Coloration. Tennessee Journal of Herpetology, 3, pp. 37 (pdf)
*Hulbert A, Hall JM. 2017. Virginia valeriae elegans (Western Smooth Earthsnake). Geographic distribution: New record for Henderson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 48(1), pp. 132. (pdf)
Hall JM, **Hall HK. 2016. Anaxyrus fowleri (Fowler's Toad). Geographic distribution: New record for Carroll County, TN. Herpetological Review, 47(1), pp. 76. (pdf)
Hall JM, **Hall HK. 2016. Anaxyrus fowleri (Fowler's Toad). Geographic distribution: New record for Carroll County, TN. Herpetological Review, 47(1), pp. 76. (pdf)
Barton LJ, *Kee JP, Hall JM. 2015. Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad). Geographic distribution: New record for Hardin County, TN. Herpetological Review, 46(4), pp. 560 (pdf)
Barton LJ, Morningstar LL, Hall JM. 2015. Regina septemvittata (Queensnake). Geographic distribution: New record for Hardin County, TN. Herpetological Review, 46(4), pp. 576 (pdf)
Barton LJ, *Kee JP, Hall JM. 2015. Storeria dekayi wrightorum (Midland Brownsnake). Geographic distribution: New record for Hardin County, TN. Herpetological Review, 46(4), pp. 577 (pdf)
Barton LJ, *Kee JP, Hall JM. 2015. Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad). Geographic distribution: New record for Hardin County, TN. Herpetological Review, 46(4), pp. 560 (pdf)
Barton LJ, Morningstar LL, Hall JM. 2015. Regina septemvittata (Queensnake). Geographic distribution: New record for Hardin County, TN. Herpetological Review, 46(4), pp. 576 (pdf)
Barton LJ, *Kee JP, Hall JM. 2015. Storeria dekayi wrightorum (Midland Brownsnake). Geographic distribution: New record for Hardin County, TN. Herpetological Review, 46(4), pp. 577 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2014. Eurycea cirrigera (Southern Two-lined Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Madison County, TN. Herpetological Review, 45(2), pp. 274 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2014. Eurycea guttolineata (Three-lined Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Madison County, TN. Herpetological Review, 45(2), pp. 274 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2014. Apalone spinifera (Spiny Softshell). Geographic distribution: New record for Henderson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 45(2), pp. 279 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2014. Eurycea cirrigera (Southern Two-lined Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Madison County, TN. Herpetological Review, 45(2), pp. 274 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2014. Eurycea guttolineata (Three-lined Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Madison County, TN. Herpetological Review, 45(2), pp. 274 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2014. Apalone spinifera (Spiny Softshell). Geographic distribution: New record for Henderson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 45(2), pp. 279 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Weakley County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(1), pp. 103 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(1), pp. 105 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Pseudacris feriarum (Upland Chorus Frog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(1), pp. 107 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Plethodon mississippi (Mississippi Slimy Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(2), pp. 232 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Lithobates clamitans (Green Frog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(2), pp. 234 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(4), pp. 479 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Lithobates sphenocephalus (Southern Leopard Frog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(4), pp. 479 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Ambystoma maculatum (Spotted Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Weakley County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(1), pp. 103 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(1), pp. 105 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Pseudacris feriarum (Upland Chorus Frog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(1), pp. 107 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Plethodon mississippi (Mississippi Slimy Salamander). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(2), pp. 232 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Lithobates clamitans (Green Frog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(2), pp. 234 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Lithobates catesbeianus (American Bullfrog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(4), pp. 479 (pdf)
Hall JM. 2008. Lithobates sphenocephalus (Southern Leopard Frog). Geographic distribution: New record for Gibson County, TN. Herpetological Review, 39(4), pp. 479 (pdf)
Devo Eco Lab theses
Hall JM. 2020. Heat tolerance of reptile embryos in a changing world: Physiological mechanisms and ecological effects. A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University. Doctor of Philosophy. (pdf)
PDFs are for personal use by those without access to periodical resources. Others should access the manuscripts via the publisher's webpage.